1980 Cinelli Super Corsa Decals Set, Cinelli Restoration
1980 Cinelli Super Corsa Decals Set, Cinelli Restoration
Awesome set. Had it for years fr a restoration. It belongs to the 80's super corsa. it has all the decals for all the tube plus the columbus tubing one
1980 Cinelli Super Corsa Decals Set, Cinelli Restoration, cinelli from the 70's cinelli from the 80 restored, restoration parts, columbus decals, cinelli decals C from cinelli classic cinelli
Awesome set. Had it for years fr a restoration. It belongs to the 80's super corsa. it has all the decals for all the tube plus the columbus tubing one
1980 Cinelli Super Corsa Decals Set, Cinelli Restoration, cinelli from the 70's cinelli from the 80 restored, restoration parts, columbus decals, cinelli decals C from cinelli classic cinelli