Finger Lakes Bicyclist's Tour Guide, 2nd Ed 284 pages
Finger Lakes Bicyclist's Tour Guide, 2nd Ed
284 Pages, 26 maps. 30 illustrations. 11 Elevation graphs.
Winter is here. It is a beautiful time of the year in the Finger Lakes. The bountiful harvest of delicious fruits, vegetables and grains from 2007's perfect spring and summer weather is past. Our wonderful glacial derived, nutrient rich soil produces grapes and other agricultural products of outstanding quality. The vintners say that the 2007 grape harvest will result in a magnificent vintage.
Winter in the Finger Lakes is a wonderful time. The hills surrounding the Lakes are covered with a fleecy white layer of snow. The trees are now standing like sentinels along the hillsides. Their brilliant shades of different colored foliage now a thing of past rememberences. Some wineries are open during the winter. They have special events for skiers, hikers, walkers and folks who just need a day or two in the country.
This winter we have encountered more cyclists are pedalling around the Lakes than ever before. Many of these intrepid bicyclists are following routes derived from our book, Finger Lakes Bicyclist's Tour Guide. They are enjoying riding on the snow cleared main State roads circling each Lake. These roads have wide (min. 3 ft./1 m.) paved shoulders which are white striped from the automobile roadway. Other individual cyclists are using our Finger Lakes Bicyclist’s Tour Guide to go off the beaten path to beautiful paved rural roads; to climb high and bicycle the ridges surrounding the Lakes. Of course, there are many cyclists commuting on their bicycles even in winter.
Oh! The joy of clear air! The joy of viewing sparkling water and hillsides dancing with wildlife. The joy of stopping at farm stands; of encountering a local festival with grape pie as the featured treat! You'll find all of these wondrous Finger Lakes adventures during the main bicycling season.
New York State’s Finger Lakes provide outstanding road and off road touring. Our book, Finger Lakes Bicyclist’s Tour Guide provides the key to enjoyable road touring around and between the 11 Finger Lakes.
64 routes covering 1186 mi./1909 km. are provided in the Tour Guide. A circumnavigation route for each of the 11 Finger Lakes plus 3 connecting routes between adjoining Lakes. The routes around two smaller erosion formed Lakes also are included.
These glacial formed lakes run North to South. The longest, Cayuga, is 40 mi./64 km. long but only 3.5 mi./5.6 km. wide. The smallest, Canadice, is 3 mi./4.8 km. long.
There is much to see and do in the area. With over 70 wineries the region abounds with tasting rooms and friendly vintners.
Delightful small villages dot the Finger Lakes allowing you to stop and enjoy a historical site or museum. Go antiquing at shops and garage sales. College cities, Ithaca and Geneva among others, offer a bit of diversity in the form of high culture events.
The Woman’s National Historic Park; Sampson WW II Naval Air Museum (Seneca Lake was used as a Navy Training base during WW II, including submarines); Glenn Curtiss Museum; Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge; are just a few of the major tourist attractions for you to visit.
The rural landscape and State parks provide secluded get a ways from the rigors of sometimes climbing as much as 1400 ft./426 m. in less than 3 mi./5 km. Although some of the routes between the Lakes demand such severe climbing most routes have easily negotiated rolling hill terrain. A few, such as the circumnavigation route around Conesus Lake, are down right level!
For bicyclists who hike to relax their muscles, the Finger Lakes Trail (generally closed to bicyclists), the State parks and the Finger Lakes National Forest provide ample opportunity to stretch those muscles while viewing the wildlife, glens and gorges.
A touring bicyclist is still a rarity in the Finger Lakes. The four bicycle clubs in the area have scheduled rides traversing the Lakes well into December. You are welcome to join the club members on a ride.
You might see a few cyclists scurrying along the road as part of a Fall Foliage charity ride. The Finger Lakes are the site of the Bon Ton Roulet, Rochester Omnium Road Race, Hardcore 24 hr. MTB Race, as well as other bicycle charity rides, races and tours. "The most demanding randonneur in North America, the QuadZilla," ribbons around each of the 11 Lakes in 48 hours.
It's the time to plan your bicycle tour to this natural wonderland theme park rather than going to a contrived attraction theme park this spring, summer or fall!
Our Finger Lakes Bicyclist's Tour Guide provides extensive information on 64 routes goin' round and between the 11 Finger Lakes. Some routes have challenging ascents and descents. Other routes provide wonderful rolling hill cycling along the gentle edges of glacial drumlins. And then there is the almost flat circumnavigation of Conesus Lake. Something for every level of cyclotourist from novice to highly experienced rider.
The 2nd Edition includes all the 64 routes described in the 1st Edition plus Chautauqua Lake and a few other goodies.
284 pages. 26 maps. 30 illustrations. 11 Elevation graphs. Finger Lakes Bicyclist’s Tour Guide, 2nd Edition, US$24.95
284 Pages, 26 maps. 30 illustrations. 11 Elevation graphs.
Winter is here. It is a beautiful time of the year in the Finger Lakes. The bountiful harvest of delicious fruits, vegetables and grains from 2007's perfect spring and summer weather is past. Our wonderful glacial derived, nutrient rich soil produces grapes and other agricultural products of outstanding quality. The vintners say that the 2007 grape harvest will result in a magnificent vintage.
Winter in the Finger Lakes is a wonderful time. The hills surrounding the Lakes are covered with a fleecy white layer of snow. The trees are now standing like sentinels along the hillsides. Their brilliant shades of different colored foliage now a thing of past rememberences. Some wineries are open during the winter. They have special events for skiers, hikers, walkers and folks who just need a day or two in the country.
This winter we have encountered more cyclists are pedalling around the Lakes than ever before. Many of these intrepid bicyclists are following routes derived from our book, Finger Lakes Bicyclist's Tour Guide. They are enjoying riding on the snow cleared main State roads circling each Lake. These roads have wide (min. 3 ft./1 m.) paved shoulders which are white striped from the automobile roadway. Other individual cyclists are using our Finger Lakes Bicyclist’s Tour Guide to go off the beaten path to beautiful paved rural roads; to climb high and bicycle the ridges surrounding the Lakes. Of course, there are many cyclists commuting on their bicycles even in winter.
Oh! The joy of clear air! The joy of viewing sparkling water and hillsides dancing with wildlife. The joy of stopping at farm stands; of encountering a local festival with grape pie as the featured treat! You'll find all of these wondrous Finger Lakes adventures during the main bicycling season.
New York State’s Finger Lakes provide outstanding road and off road touring. Our book, Finger Lakes Bicyclist’s Tour Guide provides the key to enjoyable road touring around and between the 11 Finger Lakes.
64 routes covering 1186 mi./1909 km. are provided in the Tour Guide. A circumnavigation route for each of the 11 Finger Lakes plus 3 connecting routes between adjoining Lakes. The routes around two smaller erosion formed Lakes also are included.
These glacial formed lakes run North to South. The longest, Cayuga, is 40 mi./64 km. long but only 3.5 mi./5.6 km. wide. The smallest, Canadice, is 3 mi./4.8 km. long.
There is much to see and do in the area. With over 70 wineries the region abounds with tasting rooms and friendly vintners.
Delightful small villages dot the Finger Lakes allowing you to stop and enjoy a historical site or museum. Go antiquing at shops and garage sales. College cities, Ithaca and Geneva among others, offer a bit of diversity in the form of high culture events.
The Woman’s National Historic Park; Sampson WW II Naval Air Museum (Seneca Lake was used as a Navy Training base during WW II, including submarines); Glenn Curtiss Museum; Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge; are just a few of the major tourist attractions for you to visit.
The rural landscape and State parks provide secluded get a ways from the rigors of sometimes climbing as much as 1400 ft./426 m. in less than 3 mi./5 km. Although some of the routes between the Lakes demand such severe climbing most routes have easily negotiated rolling hill terrain. A few, such as the circumnavigation route around Conesus Lake, are down right level!
For bicyclists who hike to relax their muscles, the Finger Lakes Trail (generally closed to bicyclists), the State parks and the Finger Lakes National Forest provide ample opportunity to stretch those muscles while viewing the wildlife, glens and gorges.
A touring bicyclist is still a rarity in the Finger Lakes. The four bicycle clubs in the area have scheduled rides traversing the Lakes well into December. You are welcome to join the club members on a ride.
You might see a few cyclists scurrying along the road as part of a Fall Foliage charity ride. The Finger Lakes are the site of the Bon Ton Roulet, Rochester Omnium Road Race, Hardcore 24 hr. MTB Race, as well as other bicycle charity rides, races and tours. "The most demanding randonneur in North America, the QuadZilla," ribbons around each of the 11 Lakes in 48 hours.
It's the time to plan your bicycle tour to this natural wonderland theme park rather than going to a contrived attraction theme park this spring, summer or fall!
Our Finger Lakes Bicyclist's Tour Guide provides extensive information on 64 routes goin' round and between the 11 Finger Lakes. Some routes have challenging ascents and descents. Other routes provide wonderful rolling hill cycling along the gentle edges of glacial drumlins. And then there is the almost flat circumnavigation of Conesus Lake. Something for every level of cyclotourist from novice to highly experienced rider.
The 2nd Edition includes all the 64 routes described in the 1st Edition plus Chautauqua Lake and a few other goodies.
284 pages. 26 maps. 30 illustrations. 11 Elevation graphs. Finger Lakes Bicyclist’s Tour Guide, 2nd Edition, US$24.95